Safe Environment

The Schoenstatt Movement in the United States has adopted a number of measures to insure the protection of children, young people, and vulnerable adults following the directives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The Schoenstatt Movement of Austin follows the program “Ethics and Integrity in Ministry” of the Diocese of Austin. As required by the Diocese, all clergy, consecrated personnel, and paid staff and all volunteers working with youth and vulnerable adults are required to complete an EIM Application for Ministry AND attend an EIM workshop every three years.

The Schoenstatt Movement of Austin is committed to protecting children and the vulnerable from preventable harm.

Ethics & Integrity in Ministry

Ethics and Integrity (EIM) compliance is required for persons active in most ministries in the diocese. Do you need to be compliant? New to the EIM process? Already have an EIM account? Visit to learn about compliance policies, how new applicants get started, and how active users maintain compliance. Contact for further assistance.

Report abuse

Report abuse of a minor, elderly adult, or an adult with a disability to local law enforcement or the Texas Abuse Hotline at or (800) 252-5400 and the diocese at or (512) 949-2447.

Have you, or has someone you know, experienced abuse?

Bishop Joe S. Vásquez and the Diocese of Austin are committed to providing compassionate care to persons who have experienced abuse, particularly if committed by clergy or a church representative. If you or someone you know have experienced such abuse, contact the diocesan Coordinator of Victim Assistance and Pastoral Support at (512) 949-2400.

Report unethical behavior

Report unethical behavior by a person serving in ministry to the diocese at (512) 949-2447.